Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Final Blog Reflections

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Final Blog Reflection

              With all of the posts that I had blogged, I thought this one of my strongest and the most depth in understanding. It was about a book I read called Silence by Natasha Preston. This blog post best exemplifies my understanding of the book I read and what happened. This specific blog post was about a book that I had finished, it is almost like a review. I explained good and bad parts about the book, not just only the good. I made real life connections to the book and I talked about the connections in my blog post. I also had put a rating between 1-10 (1 being the worst, 10 being the best). Normally in a review such as a book or movie, they normally rate things using stars. If the movie is really good it would get a rating of 5 stars. I wanted to incorporate this kind of thing to my blog at the end. It overall just says what I thought of the book.  In my blog,  I talked about my personal feeling to this book that I had read. My blog meets the expectations of in-depth analysis. There is depth in my blog, which I included connections to the book, I explained not only just the good parts but the bad parts as well. 

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